Consistent.  Predictable.  Performance.


The foundation of our cowherd is built on consistency. We have a strong breeding base and elite genetics to strengthen our annual offering to you. We do not believe in keeping 50% of our bulls and heifers, we believe in a cowherd that never misses. This is why we will not chase the latest fads but continue with balanced genetics that we can guarantee will improve your herd for many generations to come.


With consistency comes predictability. Predictability allows you to make constant genetic improvement in your herd as a whole. Our herd stems from some of the most proven cow families in the Angus breed. A multi-generational pedigree filled with proven, never-miss producers gives you the security in knowing your breeding decisions will always move you forward.


At Topp Angus, we agree that performance is measured in pounds. But we breed for the greatest combination of pounds and efficiency while also measuring performance in reproduction, production, longevity, soundness, docility, and carcass merit. Performance is not measured once a year but rather a lifelong measurement and analysis of their overall performance.

Our goal isn’t simply to offer you black Angus bulls; our goal is to offer you the genetics with the consistent, predictable, performance you need to improve your overall profitability.

Latest Updates at Topp Angus
2025 Annual Bull Sale
Date – Friday, April 11, 2025
Time – 1:00 pm
Location – Kist Livestock, Mandan, ND
Selling 130 head of yearling and 18-month-old fall Angus Bulls

Welcome to Topp Angus! We hope you find it informative and a source for Topp Angus information. As always, we sincerely appreciate your interest in our program, and we will continue to make the genetic progress to earn it. Please let us know if you have questions.

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2025 Annual Bull Sale
Annual Bull Sale
Ranch Location